Limited Access to Non-Title III Funding Opportunities
Congressional Districts 2,3,4,5,6 serve all or parts of the Metro region and contain 740 Foundations: $1,868,000,000 Foundation dollars awarded in 2021
Congressional District 8 serves parts of the AAAA region and contains 84 Foundations$ 168,000,000 (we have 4% of the options that Metro area has for alternate funding.)
All of the western part of MN (District 7) only has 36 Foundations and $9,000,000 available (Less than ½%.)
2% of all foundation dollars in MN are directed specifically toward aging services
The giving reported here represents the location of the organization. In 2019, the 5th congressional district had the highest grants paid. The 3rd congressional district had the largest number of grantsmakers.